Jazz - Green Cheek Conure Blog

Monday, May 4, 2009

Eatin, Talkin, Happy Bird!

Oh my goodness, like with this little bird is so very much fun. He has quite a personality.

I was concerned last week because my Jazz wasn't eating any fresh fruits except for broccoli, which he loves. So I wrote to my GCC group on Yahoo and got some really great recipes (that I'll be adding to the site very soon). So I used one and pureed some veggies and added it to some cooked rice. I was so disappointed the first night, he just didn't touch it at all. It made a big ol' bowl of "mash" so I stuck it in the fridge and tried again last night.

Last night I grab a small spoonful and put it in his empty dish. Took out his seed mix bowl and his pellet bowl and he munched that stuff down. Who would have known that he likes it better cold??

He talking so much, its so cute. Not only do we have Jazzie that we''re trying to teach not to bite, but my husband's Texas Heeler pup as well and so Jazz' newest phrase is "No bite!" It's so cute.

His favorite toy right now terrifies me. Not the toy, but the fact that Jazz enjoys hanging from it by one foot. I know he can fly to safety if he falls. I know that he knows what he's doing, but I am so afraid he's going to hurt himself. I know, don't worry so much!!

He's still working on his first trick - turn around. I'll let you know and maybe post a video when he gets it down!

Anyway, that Jazz for today, he's such a happy bird!
posted by Jazz - The Green Cheek Conure at 8:03 AM


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