Jazz - Green Cheek Conure Blog

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mashin It Up

Jazz loves his mash! I have talked about it before. In the evenings I give him vegetable mash and in the mornings I give him finely chopped bananas, apples, seedless grapes and peaches. I fixed all his stuff up in ice cube trays (one serving is one cube) and when I removed them, I placed 7 cubes each in small freezer bags. So every few days I get out three cubes and place them in a small ziploc bowl and set it in the fridge to thaw. Then at feeding time I pull out the bowl and set one serving in his extra food dish.

Last night I got the bowl out and the phone rang so I set the bowl in a coffee mug. Why? I don't know, mostly so if Jazz decided to dive in, the bowl wouldn't fall over. He DID decide to dive in and I caught him on film:

Silly boy looks like the kid that got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I am so glad that he is eating better now. If you have finicky birdies, try the mash recipes, they're amazing!!
posted by Jazz - The Green Cheek Conure at 9:30 AM


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