Jazz - Green Cheek Conure Blog

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Flight Suit

Check out Jazzie in his new Flight Suit!

He didn't like it much at first, but it was a whole lot easier for him to deal with than the harness that went over his head.

Our friend, Cathleen and her GCC Ivy, sent it to us. Miss Ivy wouldn't wear it so she she it to us for Jazz to try out. She was hoping "some birdie" could use it. (I just love her clever little play on words.)

Jazz nibbled on it a little at first, but then accepted it. Especially since he got to go outside with it on. We attached a lanyard to it and Jazz went outside to see the new house across the street and he went to Sonic with me to get dinner.

It's so funny to me when Jazz goes places and people say, is that a Parrot? Duh! My husband said I should say, "No, its my pet bat, I just dress him up like a parrot, but Shhhh don't tell him, he doesn't know."

I'm so lucky to be a birdie momma!!
posted by Jazz - The Green Cheek Conure at 9:13 AM


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