Jazz - Green Cheek Conure Blog

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Flight Suit

Isn't he sharp in his flight suit?? He is really doing well. Last night I put the suit on him and we went walking. I had another couple stop in the middle of the road to ask me if he was a bird. Seriously, I want to say something really stupid when people ask me that. It just amazes me. So Jazz flirted with that girl and then we resumed our walk.

We walked to a local open greenhouse. It was so neat, as we were walking through the rows of plants, Jazz says "preeeeeeeeeeeeetty" all long and drawn out. Then he flirted with the greenhouse girl and we continued our walk. Jazz didn't even bite on the flight suit. He was too interested in our walk.

The flight suits are available from
Avian Fashions and they have some great packages. I don't have the lanyard or leash that goes with the flight suit. I had an Aviator Harness that totally terrified Jazz. So, I cut the lead off of the harness and used it with my Flight Suit. It's virtually weightless and has the wrist strap and worked out great for us. Here's a picture:

Does the suit work to prevent fly aways? Definately. When we were leaving the yard last night, a motorcycle drove by and gave Jazz a start. He left my shoulder and tried to fly away. He got to the end of the leash and then landed on top of Mom's car. I will remind you, Jazz has all but his last two primaries clipped and I'm pretty sure he would have been gone had it not been for our Flight Suit. He sailed right over the gate on a gust of wind. I am very thankful that I didn't take for granted the fact that he is clipped.

I really love our flight suit. Jazz can't fly away and I don't get pooped on. I would definately recommend the Avian Fashions Flight Suit to anyone who wants to take their birdie with them on walks, bike rides, vacation or one of Jazzie's fave places, the hardware store!
posted by Jazz - The Green Cheek Conure at 11:23 AM


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