Jazz - Green Cheek Conure Blog

Friday, July 10, 2009

Bad, Bad, Blogger

This summer has been so busy that I haven't been a very good blogger. Poor Jazz, he just isn't getting his fair say. Actually he's is talking his head off. It's not always people words, but he does love to chatter.

Funny thing is, it changes depending on who is around. When I take him in the living room, where Mom is, he chirps and whistles and whispers(Mom has chronic bronchitis and talks in a whisper). When hubby comes home he starts hollering "C'mere", and "What doin?" When I walk in, he whistles and says "pretty boy".

He has other sounds, too, like when I vacuum or run the hair dryer, he shreiks, letting me know he really doesn't care for that sound. When the radio or GAC are on, he dances and chirps. And, when he is playing in his play pen, he chatters. It's so cute, he sounds like a little old man just talking to himself.

I just love being a birdie momma!!
posted by Jazz - The Green Cheek Conure at 7:46 AM


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