Jazz - Green Cheek Conure Blog

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Trip to the Park

I had a pretty rough night last night and because of that, Jazzie didn't get much out-of-cage time last night. My mother-in-law was ill and I had to stay with her at the hospital. So tonight, after supper at church, Jazz and I put on the flight suit and went to the park. We had so much fun! Here are some pictures:

Here he is on the sign that says "Frank J. Smith Bird Sanctuary". We didn't go inside because I'm afraid of him catching something from the outside birds, but I thought it was a cute picture.

Here's Jazz on the swing. I waited till there were no kids around so he wouldn't get scared. I just love this picture...doesn't he have the most beautiful birdie smile!!!

After this we went over to where the kids were playing and a few little ones from our church fed him a couple of the safflower seeds I brought for his treats. He soaked up all the attention!!!

This is the beautiful rock wall that runs through the park. He likes to walk up and down it. We are blessed in that we don't have any large prey birds in town to watch for, mostly just pigeons, so we are free to walk around the park without fear. We are always cautious and wear the flight suit and leash to keep Jazz from flying away.

That was our evening, its bathtime and then early bedtime for us now. Have a great night and drop us a comment!

posted by Jazz - The Green Cheek Conure at 4:45 PM


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